1969: Reactions of Polymers Stabilisation and Degradation

Manor House Hotel, Moretonhampstead, Devon

Draft programme

Dr. N. Grassie (University of Glasgow)
Introductory Lecture

Dr. L.H. Peebles (Chemstrand Research Centre, North Carolina)
"Thermal Degradation of Polyacrylonitrile"

"Degradation and Stabilisation of Poly(Vinyl Chloride)"

Dr. I.C. McNeill (University of Glasgow)
"Thermal Volatilisation Analysis of Polymers"

Dr. R.S. Lehrle (University of Birmingham)
"Degradation Studies using Pyrolysis - GLC"

Dr. R.B. Fox (U.S. Naval Research Laboratories)
"Photolysis of Polymers"

Prof. A. Charlesby (Royal Military College of Science)
"Degradation of Polymers by High Energy Radiation"

Dr. F.H. Winslow (Bell Telephone Laboratory, New Jersey)
"Oxidative Photodegradation of Polythene"

Dr. J.I. Cunneen (N.R.P.R.A.)
"Oxidative Degradation of Natural Rubber"

Prof. C.E.H. Bawn
Concluding Lecture


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