1983: Polymers in thin films - synthesis, properties, devices.

April 1983: Manor House Hotel, Moretonhampstead, Devon

Welcome by the chairman, J.C. Bevington

Electrical and electrode effects

Chairman: J.C. Bevington
R.H. Baughman (Allied Chemical Co., N.J.)
Review lecture: "Synthesis and applications of cunducting polymers."

Chairman: A.D. Jenkins
J.M. Feast (University of Durham)
"New methods for the synthesis of polyacetylene."
G.B. Street (IBM, San Jose)
"Conducting polymers derived from heterocyclics."

Chairman: F.D. Hartley
G.W. Gray (University of Hull)
"Synthesis and properties of liquid crystal polymers and possible device applications."
P. Pantelis (British Telecom)
"Properties and applications of piezoelectric polymers."

Optical effects

Chairman: A. Ledwith
E.C. Chandross (Bell Laboratories)
Review lecture: "New developments in polymers for optical lithography."

Chairman: C.E.H. Bawn
J.M. Pearson (Eastman Kodak)
"Optical recording in polymeric media."
J. Brettle (Plessey)
"Photochromism in polymer films for optical data recording."

Chairman: A. Ledwith
D.J. Williams (Xerox, Webster, U.S.A.)
"Propagation and characterisation of polymeris materials with large non-linear optical responses."
R. Kellner (Crossfield Electronics, London)
"Laser gravure printing."

Barrier effects

Chairman: J. Hambling
N.B. Graham (University of Strathclyde)
Review lecture: "Polymeric thin films for microencapsulation."

Chairman: Sir G. Allen
A.D. Ketley (W.R. Grace Co.)
"Dielectric barrier coatings for printed circuits."

Perspective, and future possibilities

D.H. Roberts (Director of Research, GEC)
"25 years of molecular electronics."

Chairman: J.C. Bevington
G. Roberts (University of Durham)
"Formation and applications of langmuir blodgett monolayers and multilayers."
J.B. Lando (Case Western Reserve)
"Polymerised monolayers and multilayers - possible device applications."

The conference was held at Moretonhampstead
Tuesday April 26th - Thursday April 28th 1983


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