1986: Charged polymers and micellar systems.

April 1986: Manor House Hotel, Moretonhampstead, Devon

Welcome by the chairman, J.C. Bevington

Biological and related phenomena

Chairman: J.C. Bevington (University of Lancaster)
H. Ringsdorf (University of Mainz)
"Polymeric liposomes."

Chairman: Sir G. Allen F.R.S. (Unilever)
D.F. O'Brien (Eastman Kodak)
"Polymerised vesicles."
S.L. Regen (Marquette University)
"Polymer encased vesicles and some of their ghosts."

Chairman: F.D. Hartley
C.E. Rogers (Case Western University)
"Sorption and transport in multicomponent polymer membranes."
P. Meares (Exeter University)
"Pressure driven flows in membranes of strongly and weakly charged polymers."

Polymeric micelles

Chairman: A. Ledwith (Pilkington)
J. Penfold (S.E.R.C. Rutherford)
"The structure of micelles."

Chairman: C.E.H. Bawn
D.H. Napper (University of Sidney)
"Emulsion polymerisation."
F. Candau (Strasbourg)
"Polymerisation in inverse microemulsions."

Chairman: J. Hamblin
M.L. Hair (Xerox)
"Controlled dispersion polymerisation."
M.S. Wolf (Du Pont)
"Structure and rheology of swellable microgel dispersions."

'Solid' polymer dispersions

Chairman: Sir G. Allen F.R.S. (Unilever)
S.L. Aggarwal (Gen. Corp.)
"Block copolymers as polymer surfactants and as alloying agents."

Chairman: A. Ledwith (Pilkington)
D.N. Schulz (Exxon)
"Antipolyelectrolytes - phase behaviour and solution properties."
M. Armand (Grenoble)
"Polymeric electrolytes in secondary batteries."

Chairman: J.C. Bevington (University of Lancaster)
I.R. Gelling (M.R.P.R.A.)
"A new polymer from rubber latex."
I.A. Shanks (Unilever)
"Chemical sensors and biosensors."

The conference was held at Moretonhampstead
Tuesday April 28th - Thursday April 30th 1986


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