2000: 40th Moretonhampstead Conference

Monday, 1st May

Co-ordination Polymerisation
09:10 Ian Cowie
"The Foundation Stones of Modern Polymer Science"
10:50 Colin Richards (BP-Amoco)
"Making Money from Co-ordination Catalysts -A Case Study of Polyethylene"
11:55 Pat Brant (Exxon)
"Co-ordination Catalysts -The Next Generation"
Radical Polymerisation
17:00 Aubrey Jenkins (Sussex University)
"Fifty Years of Radical Polymerisation"
18:00 Tom Davis (UNSW)
"A Radical Future - What Next for Radical Polymerisation?"

Tuesday, 2nd May

Step-Growth Polymerisation/Analysis
09:00 Bill MacDonald (Du Pont Teijin Films)
"Progress in Step-Growth Polymers"
10:40 Hans Spiess (Max Planck)
"Understanding Complex Structures - An Overview of What Can Be Done with Polymer Analysis"
11:50 Ralph Nielsen (Symyx)
"The Challenge of Combinatorial Analysis"
Materials Science of Polymers
17:00 Clive Bucknall (Cranfield)
"Looking at Polymers as Materials -How the understanding of Properties Has Expanded the Range of Uses!"
18:00 Paul Smith (ETH)
"Making Polymers Work -The integration of Processing and Properties"

Wednesday, 3rd May

Theory of Polymers
09:00 Tom McLeish (Leeds)
"Brief History of Polymer Theory"
10:40 Simon Hanna (Bristol)
"Predicting Mechanical Properties"
11:50 Jerome Cornil (Mons)
"The Theoretcial Design of Conjugated Polymers fro Electro-optic Applications"
The Future
17:00 Tony Ledwith (Sheffield)
"A Profitable Future"

The conference was held at Moretonhampstead
Monday, 1st May - 2003


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