2009: Polymer Composites: Natural and Man-made

Sunday 26th - Thursday 30th April, 2009
Shrigley Hall Hotel, Pott Shrigley, Cheshire
Conference Co-Chairmen: Dr Andrew Burgess and Professor John L Stanford
1 | Professor Peter Schurtenberger (University of Fribourg,
Germany) "From Colloid Physics to Functional Nanocomposites" |
2 | Dr Alex Baidak (Cytec Engineered Materials Ltd, UK) "Fibre Reinforced Composites: Promoting Cooperative Behaviour at Different Length Scales" |
3 | Dr Mike Elwell (Huntsman Chemicals, Switzerland) "Delivering Differentiated Performance in Composite Materials with 'Hard' and 'Soft' Nanotechnologies" |
4 | Professor Peter Fratzl (MPI Potsdam, Germany) "Hierarchical Structure and Mechanical Performance of Natural Composites" |
5 | Professor Robert Richie (UC Berkeley, USA) "On the Mechanistic Origins of the Strength and Toughness of Hard Mineralized Biological Tissue: A Question of Structural Length-Scales" |
6 | Dr Molly Stevens (Imperial College, London, UK) "Bio-inspired Materials for Regenerative Medicine" |
7 | Professor Kazutoshi Haraguchi (Kawamura Institute of Chemical
Research, Japan) "New Advanced Polymer / Clay Nanocomposites: Gels and Transparent Soft Materials" |
8 | Professor Claus Eisenbach (University of Stuttgart,
Germany) "Molecular Aspects of Polymer/Polymer Nanocomposites and their Mechanical Properties" |
9 | Dr Elodie Bourgeat-Lami (LCPP, Lyons, France) "Making the Best of Miniemulsion Polymerization: Encapsulation of Solids and Liquids" |
10 | Professor Clement Sanchez (University P&M Curie, Paris,
France) "Designed Construction of Nanostructured Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Materials" |
11 | Professor Philippe Dubois (University Mons-Hainaut,
Belgium) "Nano and Bio: A Promising Wedding in Polymer Composite Materials?" |
12 | Dr Steve Eichhorn (University of Manchester, UK) "The Mechanics and Interfaces in Cellulose Composites" |
13 | Dr Ian Kinloch (University of Manchester, UK) "Carbon Nanotubes as Functional Fillers and Reinforcements in Polymer Composites" |
14 | Professor Ton Peijs (Queen Mary College, University of
London, UK) "Polymer Nanocomposite Fibres: Getting the Best out of Carbon Nanotubes" |
15 | Dr Harm Weise (BASF, Germany) "Silica-Acrylate Nanocomposite Dispersions - An Innovation in the Field of Water-based Coatings" |
16 | Professor Markus Antonietti (MPI Potsdam, Germany) "Polymers in Times of Energy and Raw Material Change" |
Programme arranged by Dr Andrew Burgess and Professor John L Stanford
2009 conference sponsors
The High Polymer Research Group is grateful to the following companies and organisations for their support of the 2009 Conference:
If you would like to sponsor the High Polymer Research Group conference, please contact the group secretary: