High Polymer Research Group

2009: Polymer Composites

2009: Polymer Composites: Natural and Man-made

Photograph of the speakers at the 2009 conference.

Sunday 26th - Thursday 30th April, 2009
Shrigley Hall Hotel, Pott Shrigley, Cheshire
Conference Co-Chairmen: Dr Andrew Burgess and Professor John L Stanford


1 Professor Peter Schurtenberger (University of Fribourg, Germany)
"From Colloid Physics to Functional Nanocomposites"
2 Dr Alex Baidak (Cytec Engineered Materials Ltd, UK)
"Fibre Reinforced Composites: Promoting Cooperative Behaviour at Different Length Scales"
3 Dr Mike Elwell (Huntsman Chemicals, Switzerland)
"Delivering Differentiated Performance in Composite Materials with 'Hard' and 'Soft' Nanotechnologies"
4 Professor Peter Fratzl (MPI Potsdam, Germany)
"Hierarchical Structure and Mechanical Performance of Natural Composites"
5 Professor Robert Richie (UC Berkeley, USA)
"On the Mechanistic Origins of the Strength and Toughness of Hard Mineralized Biological Tissue: A Question of Structural Length-Scales"
6 Dr Molly Stevens (Imperial College, London, UK)
"Bio-inspired Materials for Regenerative Medicine"
7 Professor Kazutoshi Haraguchi (Kawamura Institute of Chemical Research, Japan)
"New Advanced Polymer / Clay Nanocomposites: Gels and Transparent Soft Materials"
8 Professor Claus Eisenbach (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
"Molecular Aspects of Polymer/Polymer Nanocomposites and their Mechanical Properties"
9 Dr Elodie Bourgeat-Lami (LCPP, Lyons, France)
"Making the Best of Miniemulsion Polymerization: Encapsulation of Solids and Liquids"
10 Professor Clement Sanchez (University P&M Curie, Paris, France)
"Designed Construction of Nanostructured Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Materials"
11 Professor Philippe Dubois (University Mons-Hainaut, Belgium)
"Nano and Bio: A Promising Wedding in Polymer Composite Materials?"
12 Dr Steve Eichhorn (University of Manchester, UK)
"The Mechanics and Interfaces in Cellulose Composites"
13 Dr Ian Kinloch (University of Manchester, UK)
"Carbon Nanotubes as Functional Fillers and Reinforcements in Polymer Composites"
14 Professor Ton Peijs (Queen Mary College, University of London, UK)
"Polymer Nanocomposite Fibres: Getting the Best out of Carbon Nanotubes"
15 Dr Harm Weise (BASF, Germany)
"Silica-Acrylate Nanocomposite Dispersions - An Innovation in the Field of Water-based Coatings"
16 Professor Markus Antonietti (MPI Potsdam, Germany)
"Polymers in Times of Energy and Raw Material Change"

Programme arranged by Dr Andrew Burgess and Professor John L Stanford

2009 conference sponsors

The High Polymer Research Group is grateful to the following companies and organisations for their support of the 2009 Conference:

If you would like to sponsor the High Polymer Research Group conference, please contact the group secretary:

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