1967: Fibre Reinforced Polymers

1st to 5th May 1967
Manor House Hotel, Moretonhampstead, Devon

Chairman: Sir Harry Melville
Dr. R. Buchdahl (Chemstrand, Durham, N.C.)
"Fibres for Composite Materials"

Chairman: Dr. R.M. Lodge
Dr. J. Economy (Carborundum Co., Niagara Falls)
"Potential of New Reinforcing Agents"
Dr. D.G. Flom (General Electric, Missile and Space Division)
"Polymer Matrix Composites Containing Advanced Filaments and Whiskers"

Chairman: Prof. C.E.H. Bawn
Mr. W. Watt (R.A.E., Ministry of Technology)
"Properties and Structures of R.A.E. Carbon Fibres"
Mr. L.R. Phillips (R.A.E., Ministry of Technology)
"Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastics"
Dr. J.G. Morley (Rolls Royce)
"Strong Fibres and Reinforced Metals and Plastics"

Chairman: Mr. W. Madge
Dr. J.E. Gordon (Explosive Research and Development Establishment, Waltham Abbey)
"Whiskers and Whisker Reinforced Plastics"

Chairman: Dr. R.J.W. Reynolds
Dr. K.H. Grundy (Fibre Glass Ltd., St Helens)
"Chemical Finishes for Glass Fibres"

Chairman: Prof. J.C. Bevington
Mr. R.H. Norman (Rubber and Plastics Research Association, Shawbury)
"The Resin/Glass Interface in G.R.P. - Effect of Water"
Dr. J. Scanlan (Polymer and Petrochemicals, I.C.I.)
"Relationship between Properties of Composites and their Economics"


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